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Showing posts from July, 2017

My Thoughts on Extremism - Ixvonophenishinina

I'm going to start this out by saying one thing: I support social justice - I'm far left on that issue. However, I have issues with the extreme left, as well the alt-right. For simplicity's sake, I'll refer to the extreme left as the extra-left, as in "outside". Extremism comes from a lack of willingness to look at and attempt to understand other viewpoints than your own. You are so convinced of your own correctness that you don't need to see the fake news/alternative facts of the other side/s. If I'm an ISIL soldier and I believe I'll go to paradise for eternity if I die in battle and that all my enemies are the devil, I'm not going to go consume media that disagrees with that viewpoint. If I'm an alt-right Republican that watches Fox News and Breitbart, I'm not going to go watch the fake news like the Clinton News Network. If I'm an extra-left SJW who spends a bunch of time on Tumblr, I'm never going to watch the bigoted, al